战神联盟之倾城红莲 第八章.白天不懂夜的黑
































    “哦,那我们去超市购物吧!go shopping!(去购物)”红莲开心的提议。






















    “the relationship between us does not extend

    no mutual right of possession

    only at dawn, when darkness hunzhao

    only shallow overlapping ment

    alterna day and night not only to exchange

    can not imagine the other side of the world

    we still insist on their right and so on in situ

    treat one another stand in two worlds

    you'll never understand, i sad

    like during the day do not understand the black night

    like the eternal burning sun

    do not understand that the on yingque

    you'll never understand, i sad

    like during the day do not understand the black night

    do not understand why the stars fall down

    alterna day and night not only to exchange

    can not imagine the other side of the world

    we still insist on their right and so on in situ

    treat one another stand in two worlds

    you'll never understand, i sad

    like during the day do not understand the black night

    like the eternal burning sun

    do not understand that the on yingque

    you'll never understand, i sad

    like during the day do not understand the black night

    do not understand why the stars fall down

    you'll never understand, i sad

    like during the day do not understand the black night

    like the eternal burning sun

    do not understand that the on yingque

    you'll never understand, i sad

    like during the day do not understand the black night

    do not understand why the stars fall down

    do not know, i like sad day do not understand the black night ”







































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